Roseland Severnwye Llamas
Introduction Why Llamas? Llama Basics Buying Llamas Criativity Stud Gallery Llama FAQs Lamarabilia Roseland Lamanac Photo Gallery Llibrary Visiting Roseland


Why Llamas?
Llama Basics
Buying Llamas
Stud Gallery
Llama FAQs
Roseland Lamanac
Photo Gallery
Visiting Roseland

Llamas: For pleasure or profit - field pets, trekking, livestock guardians, fine fibre, farm diversification, companions for other field stock, or just to graze & grace your land. Welcome to Roseland

On a back-packing trip
Peru in 1984, Paul and Judy Rose became enchanted by the elegance, versatility and fascinating character of these quiet, intelligent and gentle animals so little known outside of South America.

Returning with the idea
that it might be fun to have a llama or two, the  
Roseland  herd is now one of the largest and longest established in Europe.

And therein lies
the one disadvantage of these lovely animals: you can get well and truly 'hooked'!



"Have you heard
The Archers?"

"Mmm... ...Llamas in Ambridge!"



After more than two decades breeding llamas, Paul & Judy have retired and our Devon farm is now closed to new business.

However we are delighted to announce that the
Roseland herd has been taken over by, and stock may now be purchased from...

Alastair & Moira Fraser
Severnwye Llamas
Forest of Dean

Alastair and Moira have been training and trekking llamas for several years, alongside camels, donkeys, mules, & yak... so breeding Roselands is yet another dimension to their amazing enterprise. Together with the llamas, their farm offers a must-see visit!

Other breeders who may have Roselands for sale and trekkers of Roselands include:

Annie Austen, Watertown Llamas, Devon
(breeding & sales) who has taken over a large group of beautiful Roseland females and their cria, as well as a stunning young stud male "Roseland Talisman"

Chris Eke & Jo Harwood, UK Llama Centre, Dorset (trekking)
Chris and Jo have been training and trekking llamas for many years and have built up a fine group of Roseland trekkers over the years, offering many wonderful treks including along the Jurassic  heritage coastline.

We wish those mentioned above and the very many others to whom we have sold Roselands over the years,
great success and much happiness
with their ventures old and new.

We hope that these pages
 will help kindle the same excitement and interest in llamas that Paul and Judy experienced when they first encountered them in the Andes: also that they will answer many of your questions and encourage yet more!

And if you decide
that you might like to own a llama or two  ~ or twenty-two ~  then we hope very much to welcome you as Roseland owners.


 "Llamas - enriching the landscape with living art"


contact us


ãThe written content and photos on this website are the copyright of Roseland Llamas.
We welcome reproduction providing:-
 a) Acknowledgement is given as "
Roseland Llamas,", and
b) We are informed of the use: click here to contact us.